History of Cancer Control in Japan
Figures and Tables
- Number of Deaths, by Cancer Site (2008・2009)
- Cancer Deaths by Age Group, Site Distribution (2009)
- Mortality Rate by Cancer Site (2009)
- Number of Incidence by Cancer Site (2004・2005)
- Cancer Incidence by Age Group, Site Distribution (2005)
- Incidence Rate by Cancer Site (2005)
- Survival Rate, Data from Population-based Cancer Registries (Diagnosed in 1997-99)
- Survival Rate in the Member Hospitals of the Association of Clinical Cancer Centers (Diagnosed in 1998-2002)
- Cumulative Cancer Incidence/Mortality Risk
- Trends in Crude Mortality Rate for Leading Causes of Death (1947-2009)
- Trends in Age-adjusted Mortality Rate for Leading Causes of Death (1947-2009)
- Trends in Site-specific Crude Mortality Rate (1965-2009)
- Trends in Age-adjusted Mortality Rate (1958-2009)
- Trends in Age-specific Mortality Rate (1965, 1985, 2009)
- Trends in Site-specific Crude Incidence Rate (1980-2005)
- Trends in Age-adjusted Incidence Rate (1975-2005)
- Trends in Age-specific Incidence Rate (1980, 2005)
- Trends in Cancer Statistics : Age-adjusted Mortality/Incidence Rate
- Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rate under Age 75 by Prefectures (2009)
- Smoking Prevalence
Tabulated Data
- Cancer Mortality by ICD-10 Classification (2008・2009)
- Number of Cancer Deaths by Age and Site (2008・2009)
- Cancer Mortality Rate by Age and Site (2008・2009)
- Number of Cancer Incidence by Age and Site (2004・2005)
- Cancer Incidence Rate by Age and Site (2005)
- 5-year Survival Rate in Population-based Cancer Registry (Diagnosed in 1997-99)
- Survival Rate in the Member Hospitals of the Association of Clinical Cancer Centers (Diagnosed in 1998-2002)
- Trends in Crude Mortality Rate for Leading Causes of Death (1910-2009)
- Trends in Age-adjusted Mortality Rate for Leading Causes of Death (1947-2009)
- Cancer Mortality Rate by Prefecture
- Smoking Prevalence
- Narcotics for Medical Use
- Trends in Consumption of Tobacco, Alcohol and Food
- Trends in Consultation Rate in Japan (1960-2008)
- Trends in National Medical Expenditure in Japan (1980-2008)